
Highest Scoring MLB Games

Major League Baseball
Published Jul. 31, 2024 4:15 p.m. ET

While low-scoring pitchers’ duels are often celebrated, there have been plenty of games where the offense has stolen the show. We’ll explore some of the highest-scoring matchups in MLB history.

10 highest scoring MLB games (by combined points) post 1900:

  1. 49 runs: Chicago Cubs 26, Philadelphia Phillies 23 (1922)
  2. 38 runs: New York Giants 25, Cincinnati Reds 13 (1901)
  3. 38 runs: Atlanta Braves 29, Miami Marlins 9 (2020)
  4. 35 runs: Chicago White Sox 29, Kansas City A’s 6 (1955)
  5. 34 runs: St. Louis Cardinals 28, Philadelphia Phillies 6 (1929)
  6. 34 runs: New York Giants 26, Brooklyn Dodgers 8 (1944)
  7. 33 runs: Texas Rangers 30, Baltimore Orioles 3 (2007)
  8. 33 runs: Boston Red Sox 29, St. Louis Browns 4 (1950)
  9. 33 runs: Texas Rangers 26, Baltimore Orioles 7 (1996)
  10. 33 runs: Toronto Blue Jays 28, Boston Red Sox 5 (2022)

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10 highest scoring MLB games (by combined points) prior to 1900:

  1. 44 runs: Brooklyn Gladiators 28, Buffalo Bisons 16 (1890)
  2. 43 runs: Chicago Colts 36, Louisville Colonels 7 (1897)
  3. 43 runs: Brooklyn Gladiators 22, Syracuse Stars 21 (1890)
  4. 42 runs: Boston Beaneaters 28, Pittsburgh Alleghenys 14 (1887)
  5. 42 runs: Philadelphia Phillies 30, Buffalo Bisons 12 (1890)
  6. 42 runs: Cincinnati Reds 30, Louisville Colonels 12 (1893)
  7. 40 runs: Cincinnati Reds 23, Pittsburgh Alleghenys 17 (1890)
  8. 39 runs: Chicago White Stockings 35, Cleveland Blues 4 (1882)
  9. 38 runs: Boston Beaneaters 30, Detroit Wolverines 8 (1883)
  10. 38 runs: Chicago White Stockings 31, Buffalo Bisons 7 (1883)

What is the highest scoring MLB game ever?

The highest scoring MLB game ever recorded a record high 49 combined runs. On August 25, 1922, the Philadelphia Phillies and the Chicago Cubs set a record with a score of Phillies 23, Cubs 26.

What is the most runs scored by one team?

In 1897, the Chicago Colts set this record with a 36-7 victory over the Louisville Colonels.

What was the highest scoring game in recent history?

On August 22, 2007, the Texas Rangers beat the Baltimore Orioles 30-3.


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